Mad For Italy's dream
"Our dream is to bring the best of our country to the world through entertainment"
Italians are everywhere, as a result of emigration from the early nineteen hundreds as well as from the recent years. It is estimated that between 20 and 30 million Americans are of Italian descent. Most of them are no longer fluent Italian speakers, but still take great pride in their heritage.
Most of the activities to divulge the Italian culture and style to this day have had the same common denominator: the Italian language. This approach proved successful from the 60s to the late 80, with 1st and 2nd generation Italian immigrants, but it no longer stands true today. To appeal to an audience of nearly 50 million people in the United States alone, considering Italian descendants and italophiles, we now need to speak their own language, English, if we want to bring the beauty of Italy to them. That is why we have decided to create the Mad For Italy project. The 1st "Italian Styled" media platform that speaks English! We'll engage our audience with a complete and multifaceted editorial project that promotes the Italian culture thorough independently produced contents, aggregated content and curated content. This is the MAD FOR ITALY PLATFORM.