Americans Try Nutella For The First Time

“They should call this poo from baby angels.”
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Paisian Summer
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
“They should call this poo from baby angels.”
Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo!
Paisian Summer
Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.
Time now to visit our mixologist Bek Narzy, who as always is prescribing a healthy dose of cocktail to help take us into the weekend.
The list of things to eat in Bologna is truly endless. Because of its position in the fertile region of Emilia Romagna and its history as the oldest university in the world, Bologna’s food culture is renowned in the whole country and in the whole world!
First staple of its food culture, the fresh egg pasta.
Originally thought to be from Piedmont in North Italy, this Panna Cotta is a show-stopper. See the full recipe below.....
Panna = Cream
Cotta = Cooked
Cooked CREAM, get it? That means you should not be using milk, half and half, or light cream in this recipe!
Makes 4-6 panna cottas
2 cups heavy cream (500ml, or 1 pint)
2 ½ tblsp sugar (45gr, or 1 ½ oz.
The Moretti Gran Tour is returning to London this summer and is set to be bigger and better than ever before. The five-day event brings to life the Birra Moretti philosophy “Italian for what matters”, from enjoying an ice cold Moretti to authentic foods and flavours from the country’s many different regions.
How to make the classic italian Carnival sweets: crostoli / chiacchiere / frappe / cenci / bugie / sfrappole / galani
Easy, fast and very good recipe of italian crostoli / chiacchiere / frappe / cenci / bugie / sfrappole / galani
Ideas for menus of Carnival, Shrove Tuesday and Shrove Thursday
The Antinori family has been making wine since 1385, when Giovanni di Piero Antinori became part of the Arte Fiorentina dei Vinattieri.
The White House is getting ready for the final state dinner of the Obama administration. It will honor Italy's prime minister, Matteo Renzi.
How to make the real CALZONE napoletano with fresh ricotta cheese homemade, salame di Napoli, mozzarella, basil and tomato sauce.
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Un'altra tappa del mio diario di viaggio nel Basso Salento. Parto dal porticciolo di Torre Vado e m'imbarco per vivere le emozioni del paracadute ascensionale sul mare delle Maldive del Salento.